Friday, September 10, 2010

JiM HenSOn vs roBOT GIANTs

I hope this doesn't sound to pretentious but I absolutely love this piece. Of coarse it has its weaker parts I would like to work upon. The background ,always my downfall, needs some looking after. The perspective needs to be pushed more. And I still don't know how I feel about the guns I selected for Kermit, I wish I went with a Shotgun. But I love the idea of it. This is most definitely a piece I want to go back and improve upon.


I drew this when I still was not satiated with the desire to draw an olde timey gentleman. But I also wanted to draw a octopus as well. And the rest was history.

ZanTar the CopYcat

I basically ripped off Tarzan in this piece and I did not even know I was doing it till I was rendering it. Then it all came together. I really was just in the mood to draw a fat gentlemen with a monocle. Also, I jus saw Iron Man 2 so I really wanted to draw a parrot as well.

VeNom tESt

I drew this the first day I got my wacom. I actually drew Spiderman first but that came out really bad. Right now I am in the middle of working on an Avengers piece, via wacom tablet.

MiddLe cLasS CyborG

mAdd pIN-Up

ChaRliE ChapLin vs ThE ZomBIEs

These are the kind of pieces that I really have the most fun with. The ones that are so obscure and maybe a little morbid. I was watching the Chaplin movie with Downey Jr. As I was watching It i thought to myself, "this movie is severely lacking zombies."
I hate the background to this piece except I do like how the black pops out the grey and white. But the background zombies are a product of poor planning and lack of thumbnails.
I like the barber shop quartet zombie in the lower left. I like the shape of his profile and I was particularly happy with the way his mouth turned out.




WiZard-pIN up
